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A cryptanalysis tool for classical ciphers


Mac OS X
screenshot_1 Ganzúa's main window as seen in Mac OS X with the Aqua look and feel.
screenshot_2 Ganzúa running on Mac OS X 10.3. The screenshot shows Ganzúa displaying its interface in Spanish and using the Aqua look and feel.

screenshot_1 Ganzúa's main window as seen with the Java look and feel (also known as Metal).
screenshot_2 Ganzúa's main window as seen with the GTK look and feel.
screenshot_3 Window with the results of the Kasiski Test sorted by length of sequence. The screenshot shows Ganzúa displaying its interface in Spanish.

screenshot_1 Ganzúa running on Windows XP with the Windows look and feel.
screenshot_2 Ganzúa running on Windows XP. The screenshot shows Ganzúa displaying its interface in Spanish and using the Java look and feel.