There are many ways in which you can contribute to the improvement of Ganzúa.
If you do any of the above, please contact Ganzúa's author at . Remember that Ganzúa is free software and can not be improved without your help. Also, if you are requesting help, a feature or a bug fix, do not forget to be polite. When you contact the author, please do so in English or Spanish.
Ganzúa gets all the labels for its interface from properties files. These are the ISO-8859-1 (ISO-Latin-1) encoded text files with extension properties found in the JAR file. You may extract the JAR file with any application you would use to expand a ZIP archive. The properties files have names of the form where lc is the ISO 639 code of the language the labels are in. If the file contains country specific use of a language, the files are named where CC is the two letter ISO 3166 code of the country.
When you translate a properties file, the fist thing you should do is copy the file you want to translate from to one with the appropriate name for the translated file. For example, if you want to translate to Portuguese, then the file with the translation should be in or if the translation will have Brazil specific use of the language.
The properties files contain lines like:
The character # indicates the beginning of a comment. The text following # will be ignored by the program, so there is no need to translate it. The lines important to Ganzúa are those that contain key-value pairs separated by the character =. The key is used by Ganzúa to retrieve the translated text, so you should never translate the key, only the text after the character =. You should also remember that \n represents a line break, \t a tab and some times FN and NUM are used as place-holders for file names or numbers. The place-holders will be replaced by Ganzúa and should not be translated or modified.
Ganzúa needs your properties files to be encoded in ISO-8859-1. To convert your files you may need the native2ascii tool provided in most Java development kits (see section 2.5).
To run Ganzúa using an expanded ganzua.jar follow the instructions in section 2.5 (Note that you will not need to compile Ganzúa, since ganzua.jar contains the compiled program). This may be useful while you are editing/testing your properties files.
For Ganzúa to be localized for your particular language or region, you should translate, properly name and encode in ISO-8859-1 all of the properties files.
If you are having problems localizing Ganzúa, contact me thoroughly explaining the issue.
The following are some things you should know if you want to edit the source code.
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